How To Create Fake Conversations on Social Media
HELLO Readers ! I found many people who wants to Create fake conversations to make jealous to their friends. Here i found the app which can help you to Create Fake Conversations on Social Media . This app will lets you easily to create fake messages for lots of media like Facebook status, tweets, text messages(SMS) on Android or iOS, WhatsApp chats, Facebook Messes or Hangouts convos,etc. You can also do many edit like texts, profile pictures, and post dates to get a screenshot image of it to share it with your friends for prank.SO if you guys also wants to learn that this trick then follow the steps given below:- STEP1- First download YAZZY App from link given: STEP2 – Then Install this app and open it. STEP3- Then select the app that you want to make fake conversation of. For ex- Whatsapp STEP4- Now you can select profile pic or status as online or start making fake chats. So guys this was the trick by which ...